Digital Marketing

The Complete Guide to Facebook Lead Ads

You can use lead ads where you can use the service of promoting your business to a suitable audience and reaching better quality potential customers.

Facebook (Meta) is an indispensable tool in digital marketing and provides you with a platform to “build your own audience.” Facebook lead ads are also part of this platform.

Facebook lead ads are a kind of form. These forms give customers time to capture the important parts while providing opportunities to connect with the user about the service or product you’re advertising. When the user clicks on the ad, they pre-fill out the form with the information from their profile. The rest is much easier!

So you can be sure to find everything you need to use this convenience correctly in this Facebook Lead Ads Guide.

We also suggest reading the post on Top Facebook Ads Bidding Strategies if you’re interested in Facebook Ads.

What are Facebook Lead Ads?

The forms you create to find potential customers with Facebook ads will direct the user to your website. However, the person who can be your customer is forced to leave the Facebook platform with this referral.

Gradual and prolonged steps may cause the user to give up. Nevertheless, with Facebook lead generation ads, you can find the user information you need through Meta. Because these ads forward your forms to users without leaving the Facebook platform.

It is important that the navigation is practical for users. You should also provide this practicality to your potential customers. Thanks to this practicality, you will also obtain the necessary data for your business.

Because users will send you the information you need (Name, age, gender, interests, etc.) by filling out the form you have prepared without leaving the platform they are viewing (Facebook, Instagram, Reels, Story, etc.). You will stay in the user’s mind as this transmission process will ensure a smooth user experience.

How Facebook Lead Generation Ads Work?

Facebook lead ads are like any other ad; It shows in the same way as ads in the news feed, reels, stories, explore section. You can serve your ad to potential customers through Meta by following the steps we’ll explain in this guide.

Meta has the necessary information and your expectations from the ad during the ad creation process: this point will be important for you to make appropriate choices for the target audience. Meta will also use them and connect users who are interested in your business with you.

At this stage, it is very important that your ad has a message for potential customers. As creativity is important; Creating forms where users will give their personal information with interesting features such as sweepstakes, campaigns, discount coupons will bring you closer to your goal.

How to Generate Leads Through Facebook Ads?

How Facebook Lead Ads Work

Meta will already do everything for you to find potential customers for Facebook lead generation ads, but you need to provide the necessary hardware to this platform. Meta has a caveat at this stage, and you shouldn’t lose sight of it:

Make sure that the questions and fields you ask on the form comply with the Lead Ads Terms and Advertising Standards.

Add the URL of your business’s privacy policy to the form. Follow The Steps For The Facebook Ads Lead Generation Objective:

Create a Lead Generation Ad On Facebook!

In addition, it’s important to take steps toward your business needs during the creation of your ad. When you create your ad, you should take these steps firmly:

  • Determine your campaign objective.
  • Create your campaign name for your goal.
  • Specify your business name by identifying your Facebook page.
  • Prepare important plannings such as placement, audience, budget in advance and enter complete information during the ad creation phase.
  • Choose your ad’s name, format.
  • Create images that match the dimensions of the platform where the ad will be  published and add them to the media.
  • Don’t forget to choose your form fields!

When we solve this part, we can use the platform that Meta provides for set up a lead generation ad on Facebook.

How To Create a Lead Ad From Meta Ads Manager?

Create Lead Ad From Meta Ads Manager

First you need to select the type of ad, then from Meta Ads you need to determine the purpose of the ad:

When determining your purpose; You will have preferences such as being clicked, being called on the phone, filling out the form, being visible. It is very important that you determine the purpose you need in the sectoral sense.

Set your audience: budget, age, gender, interests, custom audience targeting.

TIP: For lead ads, it’s important to exclude the Facebook remarketing customer during the audience setting phase. Because we do not want to make our customers whose personal information we have filled out the form again. We should use the remarketing customer at this stage to “find similar customers.”

Optimize Lead Ads from Meta Ads Manager!

Send offers that encourage users to fill out your form;

  • Organize sweepstakes and contests: sweepstakes are attractive and engaging for users.
  • Negotiate and pre-order services and products: reach and stay in touch with users who want to get to know you better and compare you to your competitors.
  • Invest fast: Increase communication with the chat option.
  • Edit your form in a simple and engaging way.
  • It is useful to have an introductory text in the introduction of the form.
  • Choose your audience target correctly.

TIP: We shouldn’t target the same audience with different lead ad campaigns. Showing different campaigns to the same target audience with no different location turns us into our own competitor.

How To Create a Facebook Instant Form?

Create Facebook Instant Form

Instant Forms, the most important part of Facebook lead generation ads, is a way to get personal information from users in the face of values such as information and products. When editing your form, you should create the theme of your business with its purpose in mind.

Equip your form with questions where you can determine the target audience of your ad and filter that audience with more detailed features. Your accumulated data will direct you to different audiences and their areas of interest. In this way, you can target the same audience with different audiences and increase your chances. However, it is in your best interest not to target the same audience with different ad sets.

You already automatically access instant forms when you create lead generation Facebook ads. After that, it will be enough to make arrangements according to the information you want to obtain from the user. Then, when the forms are filled, you can download this information and alternatively increase your professionalism by connecting it to any CRM system.

Benefits of Lead Ads

The most important benefit of Facebook lead ads is the ease of getting information from potential customers. Moreover, users do not need to leave the Facebook page for this, they can do their work on a single platform.

Here’s a list of potential customer ads:

  • Thanks to all kinds of device optimization, you can get users’ personal data from all the devices they use and access them from all devices.
  • Improve your lead quality: You can attract your potential customer with a welcome message, get their information with autofill to avoid taking time, reach customers with intentions faster.
  • Reach the customer you’re looking for: Reach potential customers who are interested in similar ads.
  • Connect with high-faith leads: Reach back to potential customers who click on your ad, site, or open and submit your form.
  • Get a real-time network: Quickly connect with your potential customer with tools like CRM integration.

Examples Of Facebook Lead Generation Ads

Facebook Lead Ad Examples vary from industry to industry. So which sectors can use lead ads effectively? How much do you think a company that sells nail polish needs form questions and information in return?

Education: An academically promised service causes you to request interested students, and information such as contact information, previous training of the user provides you with important data.

Health: The health sector is a sector where users will often want to get information. Due to the frequent request for appointments and the need for questions and answers, this type of advertising can provide a lot of benefits.

Automotive: Obtaining the interest of the potential customer, his opinions on the price and his expectations from the product through forms makes a difference for high-cost services. The automotive sector is one of these sectors.

Finance: The financial sector is a sector where user information is needed. Knowing the user’s interests and asking questions about them provides us with important information about sales and investment.

Retail trade: You can get information about your customers and the industry they are interested in through forms. You can pre-sell and stay in constant contact.

How To Edit Your Facebook Lead Ads?

First, you need to improve your Facebook lead ads strategies. In order to effectively edit lead ads, it is necessary to configure the visual creative and form section correctly. Because the user first sees the visual banner and then the form.

Therefore, images should be relevant to your service. Unnecessary information should not be included and should be designed for the right target audience, form information and articles should not be too long; lead ads should be customized.

WASK Ad Manager Banner

Meta aims to use the platform where you will publish your ad for your business in the most accurate way.

Looks for the right time to view your lead ads. It reaches the audience you target in line with the forms you create and the service you provide. It is displayed in the news feed of the user’s social media, in their stories.

Accurately explain the value of your service to users so that they can share personal information with you. Make sure your questions are relevant to your campaign objective and ask as few questions as possible.

Create content that your target audience can love and stand out from your competitors and get more leads!

Creating a Facebook lead generation campaign will put you ahead of many of your competitors! Because the filters you use to determine your target audience will make you visible.

  • Choose the right visual text and plan the right budget.
  • Reach people who are similar to your best customers an add pre-filled questions.
  • Create an audience by customizing the engagement.
  • Use CRM to increase conversion.
  • Keep your form simple and put your questions into more attractive forms, such as multiple choice.

dvertising costs will vary according to dynamics such as the sector, the type of service, the audience you want to reach, and the frequency of occurrence. For example, if you are a local business and offer a service with a fast conversion journey, 10-25 units (Dollar, TL, Euro, etc.). But if you are providing global service, 100-200 units.

In addition, the relevant location, target audience and advertising costs of the competitors also affect the budget you need to allocate.

One of the Facebook Lead Generation errors is incorrect advertising optimization, not refreshing or updating the Facebook lead generation ad and incorrect targeting.

Çağla Çelik

Çağla is a Content Writer at WASK. She is interested in content marketing and technology. Writing content that makes people want to read and learn from them makes her happy. Also, she likes playing tennis, drawing, traveling, and learning about different cultures and languages.

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