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How To Get More Likes On Instagram?

Do you want to know how to get more likes on Instagram? You’ll need to gain more followers in order to enhance your Instagram presence, drive traffic to your website, and get the most out of Instagram for your business.

With ideas, methods, and recommendations on how to increase and get more Instagram likes on your posts, this guide will help you discover the secrets to success.

Let’s get started.

Should We Buy Instagram Likes?

Should We Buy Instagram Likes?

Never purchase likes or follows to deceive your audience or build up social proof. Utilize Instagram to interact and develop real connections with your followers.

Although it may be tempting, buying followers will hurt you more than help. It’s simple to spot when someone buys Instagram likes, and doing so will probably end up costing you money and collaboration opportunities in the long term.

How To Get More Likes On Instagram Free?

You shouldn’t have to pay anything to get likes on Instagram. You may obtain a lot more likes right away by sharing engaging content with your audience at the perfect time and with the appropriate hashtags. So never buy likes if you want to get a full, permanent outcome from your brand’s account.

What Is The Importance Of Getting More Likes On Instagram?

Instagram users can now select to hide their likes. Do likes still matter, then. Absolutely, yes. Likes on Instagram are still quite important. They remain a crucial component of the Instagram algorithm and have a significant impact on both the recommended material and the most visible posts.

Instagram provided the option for users to hide public likes in an effort to safeguard users’ mental health. The platform surfing experience may be altered by masking like counts, but the underlying likes remain; you can just no longer see them. Because of this, Instagram post likes continue to exist and are just as crucial for your account’s engagement and visibility as ever, whether they are visible or not.

10 Best Ways To Get More Likes On Instagram

1. Share Superb Pictures

Get More Likes On Instagram

Never undervalue the value of having high-quality photos. Posting images that are too dark, grainy, blurry, or pixelated is not recommended. You probably won’t receive as many likes. Use the in-app photo editing tools provided by Instagram, but don’t go overboard with the editing.

Additionally, we advise against using too many different typefaces or leaving any white space inside the graphic when publishing graphics to your Instagram page. Put your attention on post-production quality, whether it requires buying a new camera or sitting in a space with better lighting.

2. Create Interesting Captions

Best Ways To Get More Likes On Instagram

Because everything depends on your audience, finding the ideal caption might be challenging. Your high-quality photograph needs to be paired with a high-quality description if you want to make the most of it. Make it valuable, captivating, and entertaining. If you think your audience will find your humor amusing, don’t be scared to include some humor in the Instagram caption. additionally, stimulate interaction from your followers by posing questions.

Instead of using one-word or one-sentence captions, try to inspire and evoke emotion by sharing a story, making a statement, or offering advice. Your intention is to elicit laughter, memories, or inspiration. Make it simple for your audience to relate to your narrative and images by letting them easily see themselves in your shoes.

3. Utilize CTAs

Get Likes On Instagram

Never overthink this process. Add a statement at the end of your caption that is brief and to the point, such as “Like this post if you agree!” or “Follow the link in my profile.” Your audience won’t be able to read your mind, so be very explicit with them. If you want them to perform what you want them to, you must be exact with your instructions.

4. Get to Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience will help you create material that will appeal to them, even though you have undoubtedly heard this before. It would be simpler for you to engage them with your image and caption if you are aware of their hobbies and interests.

We underestimate how simple Instagram is. Choose a market and dominate it. You’ll draw a crowd, and you’ll be able to satisfy their needs with ease. From then, the number of likes and follows will rise.

5. Attach GEO Location

Unbelievably, including a GEO-location in your social media post will have a significant impact. Because your post is listed under that area, it makes it simpler for followers to locate you and can enhance your reach and likes.

The first thing you should do when creating a post on Instagram is to always remember to include a GEO-location. This location could be someplace you’re not, someplace where the picture was taken, or anywhere else you like. Most crucial, think about the places that would most interest your target audience.

6. Comment & Like Daily

Get More Likes

This is an important step, yet many people avoid taking it out of laziness. You must be willing to give likes in order to receive them. You are more likely to receive a few likes in return when you genuinely enjoy someone else’s material, and you might even gain a new follower.

According to data published by Instagram, the more you interact with other users, the more probable it is that people will perceive you as a real person, leading to an increase in followers and likes. With more Instagram engagement for 15 to 30 minutes, you may quickly gain more likes and reach and move up the Instagram algorithm.

7. Utilize Correct Hashtags

Do not use arbitrary hashtags. This is crucial to your whole Instagram strategy, not just to maximize the number of likes you receive on a particular image. You will lose out on a lot of engagement if you use a hashtag that doesn’t fit your post, and the engagement you do get will probably come from rivals or people who are not in your target audience.

We strongly advise adding at least 30 hashtags to your content. Although it may seem like a lot, more people will hear it. Be careful not to use irrelevant hashtags to get more likes on Instagram.

8. Use Instagram Stories

Use Instagram Stories For More Likes

Remember to use Instagram Stories! Instagram stories are becoming more and more popular among its 500 million daily active users globally, who utilize them to publish posts and communicate with their audience. They may be utilized to easily raise your likes while also spreading the word about your content or driving more visitors to a recent post.

Although very simple, this is crucial. Encourage your audience to check out your most recent Instagram story post by sharing it there. For them to readily reach your Instagram feed, be sure to include the original post, a swipe up link, or a @ mention to yourself.

9. Make Giveaways

Make Giveaways for More Instagram Likes

Use an Instagram giveaway to lighten and have fun. As a result of entrants being informed that they must follow your post in order to be eligible for the competition, this will also raise the number of likes and followers on your account. You can enhance your overall account engagement and follower count by including a few more conditions, such as following you and tagging one or two friends.

10. Post Consistently

Post frequently and experiment with the timings. If your audience isn’t seeing a content to engage with, you won’t get more likes. Maintain consistency to keep your brand in the forefront of consumers’ minds and to play nicely with Instagram’s algorithm.

This does not need you to post more than once every day, but you must stick to a regular schedule. Check your account insights to check whether your account engagement rating has increased.

Apps To Get More Likes On Instagram

There are many apps available that can support you in this attempt. By the way, the bulk of them function as profile managers and let you schedule post ideas or even set up automatic direct messages.

You may focus on producing content for your followers by using tools like Grow Social, Like4Like, Likulator, Likes Hash, LikeBooster, PowerLikes, and HikeTop to get your Instagram stories up and running.

Do Hashtags Get You More Likes On Instagram?

Hashtags are a crucial tool for increasing your Instagram audience and reach. Your post will show up on the website for the hashtag you used while using it. If you include a hashtag in your Story, it can also show in the associated hashtag Story, which is displayed on the hashtag page.

People can opt to follow hashtags as well, so even if they don’t follow you, they may see your hash-tagged post in their feed (yet).

Instagram hashtags may be a terrific tool for creating online communities that encourage people to interact with your company.


Quality is usually preferred above quantity when it comes to gaining more Instagram likes. Your number of likes will gradually rise over time if you concentrate on publishing interesting content for your followers. It might not happen right away.

Furthermore, to improve your brand or business you can link your business account to WASK to manage your Instagram ads much easier and effectively. It’s very easy to manage all Instagram ads in one place, design ad images with the Ad Design tool. Also, you can optimize your Instagram ads with smart features according to your needs and manage target audiences much more easily.

WASK Smart Advices Banner

Optimizing your Instagram account, keeping a consistent content, and scheduling your posts just in case. 

Post images that work with your business or brand. Use call to actions and hashtags in your captions. Schedule your posts at best times and reshare them on different networks. 

Some of the best hashtags are #love, #fashion, #photooftheday, #beautiful, #photography, #picoftheday, #happy, #follow.

Çağla Çelik

Çağla is a Content Writer at WASK. She is interested in content marketing and technology. Writing content that makes people want to read and learn from them makes her happy. Also, she likes playing tennis, drawing, traveling, and learning about different cultures and languages.

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