Digital Marketing

How to Use Facebook Pixel in WASK?

The Facebook pixel provides important information you can use to create better Facebook ads and target your ads better. Facebook tracking pixel data helps ensure that your ads are seen by those most likely to take the action you want. Therefore, WASK offers you convenience to facilitate your Facebook Pixel management.

Use Facebook Pixel in Wask

The screen you see above is the Facebook pixel page. On this screen, you can select your Facebook Pixel and view the events that occur on your website, which links have been accessed, which devices and operating system you have visited, your conversions, your recorded target audience and your pixel codes.

Let’s take a closer look.

Let's take a closer look

You can select your ad account and pixel code by using the “+” button. The pixel name you have selected will appear in the side box.


Click for which time period you want to see data.


The “Event” box shows the events that happened on your Website and how many users did.


The “Pages” box indicates the pages that users of your website frequently log in to and how many people there are.

Devices OS

The “Device OS” box indicates how many users on your website are using which operating system.

Devices Types

The “Device Type” box indicates how many users on your website are logged in from which devices.

Select Device Type

We can create a new conversion clicking the “Create” button.

create a new conversion

First, let’s name the Conversions will create. And then let’s choose the pixel we will create the conversions.

let's choose the pixel

Then select URL Type Match (Equal / Contain).

Add Payment Info

Choose the Event Type.

Click to “Save”.

Choose the Event Type

The “My Audiences” box determines the name, status, target audience size and type of the target audience you have created.

My Audiences

We can create a new Audiences clicking the “Create” button.

create a new Audiences

First, let’s name the Audiences will create. Then let’s choose the pixel we will create the Audience and what date range you want to target people who enter the Website. Click to “Save”

Name the Audiences will create

With the ”Create Lookalike” button, you can create a similar target audience. Choose how similar you want it to be on the Create Lookalike Screen.

Create Lookalike Screen

You can start creating a new Facebook campaign with the “Create Ad” button.

Create Ad button

With the “Delete” button you can delete the registered target audience.

Delete button

You can view your pixel code from the “Pixel code” box or you can copy it by clicking the “Copy” button.

WASK Ad Manager Banner

Çağla Çelik

Çağla is a Content Writer at WASK. She is interested in content marketing and technology. Writing content that makes people want to read and learn from them makes her happy. Also, she likes playing tennis, drawing, traveling, and learning about different cultures and languages.

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