Digital Marketing

Best Keyword Research Tools For Your Ads

Researching keywords is a crucial part of modern SEO. Whether you’re relaunching an old blog or developing your content strategy for a new one, good quality keywords are one of the most efficient methods to deliver consistent, high-quality traffic to your website. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best keyword research tools to aid you in mastering your content.

And in addition to keyword research tools, digital marketing Tool are also highly important for every business or brand owner.

About Keyword Research Tool

You can find topic ideas by using the best free keyword research tool to find out what people are looking for on search engines like Google, Bing, Amazon, etc.

This makes it simpler for you to find out content ideas that attract your audience. Following that, you can plan your content strategy to incorporate those topics into your blog posts and landing pages.

Utilizing keyword research tools also enables you to identify the top seed and long-tail keywords that your competitors are ranking for. Following that, you can tweak your content to target such keywords and appeal to their visitors.

We suggest you read What Is a Keyword Research Tool? article to get more information.

Best Paid Keyword Research Tools

The use of keyword research tools can simplify your SEO strategy in a number of ways. They can propose new phrases for you, reveal the number of users who are actively using a search term, identify trends, and reveal the difficulty of ranking for a given phrase.

1. Keyword Research With SEMrush

 Best Paid Keyword Research Tools SEMrush

One of the best Ads keyword research tools SEMrush, is similar to the Swiss Army Knife of SEO. It is more than just a keyword tool. SEMrush offers five to ten highly precise keywords that your competitors are already utilizing rather than coming up with a list of potential keywords. But that’s only one of its numerous, extraordinarily potent powers.

One of the top paid keyword research tools is SEMrush. You may sign up for a generous 30-day free trial of the service by utilizing our link. But, you must enter your payment card details in order to access the trial. If you decide to cancel your subscription within the first 30 days, there are no fees assessed.

You can get long-tail keywords and ad group suggestions, as well as yearly keyword trends, statistics on the distribution of CPC globally, access to the full toolkit for keyword research, keyword difficulty analysis, and insights into organic traffic.

2. Keyword Research With Ahrefs

Keyword Research Ahrefs

Another best tool for keyword research with characteristics comparable to those of SEMrush is Ahrefs. You can use Ahrefs’ keyword explorer to find suggested keywords by entering a keyword into the search box. It will then provide a lengthy list of suggested keywords.

To generate fresh content pieces that target keywords associated with such topics, you can utilize Ahrefs to look at the keywords that your rivals are ranking for.

Tracking new keywords and term shifts in search queries is another helpful competitive intelligence tool offered by Ahrefs. SEMrush and Ahrefs now offer a lot of more useful tools, such as reports that show any broken links on your website and PPC keywords for Adwords.

3. Keyword Research With SEO PowerSuite

SEO PowerSuite KW Research

One of the greatest tools for keyword research is SEO Powersuite if you’re seeking research and improve your Ads and SEO. Its comprehensive toolkit contains everything you need to optimize both on-page and off-page SEO. Along with basic keyword research tools, you’ll also get alternatives for mobile and social media optimization.

With SEO Powersuite, there are two fully featured premium tiers in addition to two restricted free tiers.

4. Keyword Research With Serpstat

Paid Keyword Research Tool

Serpstat is a great choice if you’re looking for a complete SEO suite. In addition to being one of the best free keyword research tools for paid keywords, it also has capabilities like rank tracking, backlink analysis, website audit, website analytics, and SERP analysis. Everything you’d need for thorough SEO can be found in one convenient location.

Like a number of the other options we’ve covered here, Serpstat provides a trial subscription that can be utilized a few times for free. If you plan to use the service frequently, you must create a membership. If you pay for the complete year in advance, a Lite plan is $55 a month. The monthly fee is $69 in all other cases.

Best Keyword Research Tool Free

There are also the best keyword research tools for free in order to use for your business. These can be totally free, but also can change if you use it after a while.

5. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner

Google developed the Keyword Planner to help advertisers that want to run their adverts on the search engine. Despite this, it remains a helpful SEO tool that is cost-free in comparison to other commercial ones.

You’ll need a Google Ads account to access it. You don’t even need to have an active campaign or make any donations; all you need to do is establish a campaign if you don’t already have one and submit your payment information.

Any term can be entered into the Keyword Planner once you’ve registered into your Google Ads account and have access to it to get information on its (approximately) monthly search traffic. A lengthy list of related keyword recommendations will also be provided for you to look through or keep.

You can easily use Google Keyword Planner for researching paid keywords for your digital ads. It is also free to use. When compared to the paid solutions on this list, it might not be among the top keyword research tools, but given that it is completely free, it makes a good complement to any keyword research toolkit.

6. Keyword Research With SpyFu

Keyword Research SpyFu

One of the best free keyword research tools like SpyFu, research your competitors’ most lucrative terms to learn from them (and their ads too).

You can use it for free even without logging in. By entering the URL of the website you wish to visit into the search field, you may see the results straight away. You must create a free account and log in if you want to view many websites.

SpyFu gathers historical data so you can examine how the rankings for specific keywords have changed for your own website or the website of your competitors. Your website might be compared to others in your industry.

7. Keyword Research With Jaaxy

Cheapest Tool For Keyword Research

One of the cheapest and best tool for keyword research Jaaxy is simple to use. Jaaxy will provide you with a list of related and suggested keywords, along with some basic keyword statistics, once you submit a term, topic, or URL (consider the monthly search volume and page 1 results traffic averages.)

While Jaaxy’s free plans are among the most constrained, subscription plans provide a fairly priced entry point for anyone looking to monetize their website through affiliate marketing. On the restricted Starter trial, the first 30 searches are free (each returning 20 results); premium plans begin at $49/month. It is one of the best free keyword research tools for affiliate marketers.

8. Keyword Research With Keyword Surfer (Chrome)

Free Keyword Research Tool

An easy approach to conduct the best free keyword research tool without ever leaving the search engine results page is through browser extensions. A free, constrained version of the platform is offered through Surfer SEO’s Keyword Surfer add-on for Google Chrome, which is separate from the full SEO package.

Once the extension has been downloaded and enabled, go to Google and conduct a standard search for your phrase. The same details, together with the number of exact match keywords used on the page for each SERP listing, are displayed when you enter. The SERP data and relevant keywords are presented on the right side.

The Free AI Article Outline Generator for Chrome and the Full Surfer SEO Suite’s subscription plans, which include the whole content editor (with 10 articles per month), SERP analyzer, and other SEO capabilities, start at $49/month for the full suite.

9. WASK Keyword Research Tool

If you’re eager to boost your website’s visibility and traffic without spending a dime, meet WASK, the ultimate free keyword research tool. Getting started is easy. visit WASK keyword research , create a enter your keywords, and let WASK guide your SEO and Ads strategy.

Best Keyword Research Tools For Small Businesses

One of the best tool for keyword research for small local businesses is SEO PowerSuite. Local businesses might assume what kinds of search phrases the community uses. This is incorrect. If you do this, you might pass up keywords that you could use to attract more clients.

Finding the most competitive local keywords is crucial because you don’t want to lose out on those customers. It allows you to focus on local keywords specific to a given area, nation, or town. Rankings for your neighborhood, other nearby places you want to target, and even several locations can all be tracked simultaneously.

Unlimited access to other capabilities, such as the number of pages you can crawl as part of an SEO audit, is available with paid plans, which start at $299 for the year.


The top keyword research tools produce keyword suggestions that will affect the rankings of your website. They are made up of distinct components that support various SEO tactics, including competitor analysis, local SEO, and SEO content.

Semrush and Ahrefs stand out for their very innovative and distinctive features as well as the enormous volume of data they offer. However, there are other tools out there that might be better suited to your ultimate objective.

WASK Campaign Optimization Banner

The most popular keyword research tool SEO keyword research tool overall is Moz Keyword Explorer. Using Google Keyword Planner, find paid keywords. Semrush for seasoned SEO experts. Search for question-based keywords using QuestionDB. For affiliate marketers, use Jaaxy.

What you’re aiming to do and how much time you have to do it truly matter. One of the main benefits of using paid products is that they frequently integrate many of the tasks that would require using different, free applications separately. What matters most in the end depends on your budget and how important you value your time.

To establish an SEO strategy for your brand that is effective for your business, first analyze your budget. Then, consider the primary purpose of the strategy.

Google’s Keyword Planner is the most obvious and popular tool for PPC keyword research.

Keyword research tools for e-commerce and Facebook ad spy tools is PowerAdSpy. It includes remarkable features that enable users to disclose top-secret information about the Facebook Ads and marketing tactics of their competitors. This spy program can automate Facebook accounts based on user requirements.

Keyword research tool google with the Google Ads Keyword Planner tool is a helpful tool for creating solid keyword lists and assisting with the launch of your PPC campaign. You may construct your marketing strategy with the free keyword suggestion and bid estimation tools from Google Ads.

HubSpot Content Strategy Tool, Answer the Public, KWFinder, GrowthBar, Semrush, Keyword Tool Dominator, and Ubersuggest are the best long tail keyword research tools.

Çağla Çelik

Çağla is a Content Writer at WASK. She is interested in content marketing and technology. Writing content that makes people want to read and learn from them makes her happy. Also, she likes playing tennis, drawing, traveling, and learning about different cultures and languages.

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